The price

Many people want to have great success but few are ready to pay the price,  many of us still exist in “wish and wonder land”  it is obvious many wishes will never come true. The reality I discovered in life is that I only get what I plan and prepare for not what I want; the more I play the lottery of life the less my chances of winning. Instead of wasting my time existing in  wish & wonderland, I have decided to toil and confront my obstacles headlong. It will remain a hindrance as long as I allow it to stand in my way. Henceforth, I have resolved to confront any obstacles knowing fully well that if I don’t confront it I will never conquer it. If it does not cost me anything, it may be worth nothing.



1 Comment:

  • This is very true but hard to swallow, for those going some places it look like a roadmap. Good thinking caring people.

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